Civil Engineering
Setai Resort, Florida

Coastal Systems International, Inc. prepared civil engineering plans for the Setai, which is one of the tallest buildings along the South Beach skyline in Miami Beach, Florida. Condominium owners will enjoy the private spa, health club, and private garage parking. The team at Coastal Systems was responsible for the paving, grading and drainage design. The drainage and site plans identified all extensions to the site and perimeter sidewalk as well as proposed grades, slopes, and flow characteristics of stormwater management systems. The water main extension was designed to provide the Setai with sufficient flow for domestic water and fire sprinkler systems. Water and sewer designs illustrated the size, slopes, and details of the water collection system location for all water distribution points. The civil engineers at Coastal Systems also designed the street-end improvements for 20th street.

The Coastal Systems team provided construction administration services by conducting site visits and preparing observation reports to ensure compliance with regulatory permits, design plans, and specifications.

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