Monroe County State Parks, Florida

Shoreline condition studies were performed for the Curry Hammock, Long Key, Bahia Honda and Ft. Zachary Taylor State Parks within Monroe County. Coastal Systems International, Inc. performed site visits at each of the four parks to observe existing general conditions of the beach/dune system, natural resources, structures, buildings, and landscaping along the park shoreline. Problem areas and potential projects were discussed with the park managers. Coastal Systems also flew targeted aerial photography of each park's project shoreline area.

Using data collected, Coastal Systems performed a preliminary overview of the coastal processes at each park. Based on the coastal engineering findings, alternative coastal design recommendations for beach and shoreline improvements along each park's shoreline were determined. The recommendations provided estimates of the extent of the beach improvements with general design information, estimated costs, and permit feasibility. In addition, the information was entered into a GIS to be used
a management tool.

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