Hillsboro Inlet, Florida

Coastal Systems International, Inc. evaluated the coastal processes influencing the inlet and developed a design for a channel deepening project at Hillsboro Inlet. The project involved the dredging of 300,000 cubic yards of material, a third of which consists of rock. The design will improve navigation and minimize impacts to longshore sand movement by allowing the channel to serve as a sediment trap, collecting southerly-moving material. Sand deposited in the channel will be mechanically bypassed using the district-owned hydraulic dredge. Permits were prepared for and secured from Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection (DPEP) and the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) as well as the Army Corps of Engineers. Coastal Systems also secured partial funding for the Inlet Management Plan Addendum from the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) and the DEP. Dredging construction documents were prepared using information collected from jet probes, hydrographic and marine resource surveys, and offshore disposal site video mapping. Dredging specifications were prepared and construction was completed in December 2003.

Construction administration services were provided, including dredging contract payment surveys. Coastal Systems also designed the near shore mitigation required due to environmental impacts from the dredging.

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