Roatan, Honduras

Coastal Systems worked closely with architects and Royal Caribbean to prepare a master plan for the destination that incorporated passenger arrival improvements and retail/commercial development with adequate parking. The master plan included a hotel and waterfront village development that will serve as a cruise ship destination port by day and provide a nightlife experience for local residents. A phased approach for the design and construction of the expansion area was prepared in synergy with the approval process for environmental permits and seabed concessions.

Our scope of work included a project environmental impact minimization analysis to address coral reef resources on the south side of the cruise ship pier. A mitigation plan was prepared for the anticipated impacts to coral reefs, which included the relocation of coral colonies to a nearby artificial reef site.

We worked closely with our related company, Coastal Systems International, Inc. to complete comprehensive coastal engineering analysis for the project, including modeling of design winds, waves, and flood elevations. The coastal engineering modeling enabled the design/build team to construct a facility elevated above carefully modeled storm surge elevations and armored with appropriate density stone. The design-build approach enabled us to commence work on the land reclamation project beginning in December 2006, only months after completion of the master plan.