Marine Environmental
Wetland Management

Coastal Systems International, Inc. assists public and private sector clients with projects requiring the creation, restoration, and management of wetlands. Environmental regulations require avoidance or minimization of impacts to wetlands, with mitigation of unavoidable impacts for "no-net-loss" of wetland value. The environmental value of wetlands stems from their unique species, habitat function, and ability to filter chemicals and contaminant's from water. Recently, wetlands systems have been used for treating wastewater, stormwater, mine drainage, and agricultural runoff. Coastal communities strive to preserve wetland resources because of their key role in the preservation of fisheries, recreational opportunities, and flood attenuation. We also assist private clients with coastal developments that may impact wetlands, including marinas and other dredge/fill projects.

Our range of services includes feasibility analysis, design, and permitting. Tools available for wetland management analysis include topographic surveys, aerial photography, subsurface geotechnical investigations, water quality monitoring, hydrographic analysis and flushing/tidal modeling, delineation and identification of wetland/exotic species. Our design-engineering team can create plans for the enhancement, restoration, or creation of wetlands habitats, including innovative canals and grading. We collaborate closely with regulatory agencies to negotiate approvals for innovative designs that best meet the overall project goals.