Dune/Native Vegetation
Native salt-resistant vegetation helps to preserve and
enhance dunes and beachfront property. Florida statutes
protect native salt-resistant vegetation, protected plant
species, and vegetation which shields endangered nesting
marine turtles from lights landward of the beach. Removal
or relocation of native dune or coastal scrub vegetation
requires a DEP permit. In particular, sea amaranth, sea
oats and sea grapes are protected by state law. Trimming
of sea grapes, saw palmetto, and other native dune species
may be exempt from DEP permitting if done according to
strict guidelines. Coastal Systems International, Inc.
has experienced biologists and permit specialists on staff
who can assist the individual property owner or developer
to properly plan and obtain authorization for vegetation
trimming, removal, or relocation with DEP representatives
and local agency staff.
Coastal Systems interprets the rules and acts as an
agent between the respective regulatory agency and the
property owner to determine what type of permit will
be required or if the proposed project is exempt from
permitting. Our knowledge and experience facilitates
creative design and efficient processing of the permit
application. |