Regulatory Permitting

Local Coastal Construction Permits

Various counties and municipalities have established individual Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) permit programs. A CCCL permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the local regulatory agency is required for all coastal construction projects proposed in these areas .

The DEP has jurisdiction over any structure proposed partially or entirely seaward of the CCCL. Their regulations allow local municipalities to adopt regulations that are more stringent than those of the DEP. Typically, the local permitting process focuses on issues of particular interest in that area, such as preservation of unique habitats or storm protection.

Only a handful of local governments currently have independent coastal programs. The Florida Uniform Building Code, which went into effect January 1, 2002, transfers structural review of coastal projects from the DEP to local agencies. Preparation for this shift in jurisdiction is ongoing, and Coastal Systems is actively involved in reviewing proposed local and state code modifications that address the new coastal permitting rules.

Coastal Systems International, Inc. has unequaled experience and success negotiating approval of coastal projects, and will continue to pioneer creative permitting solutions through the evolving regulatory program.