State Lands Authorizations
Coastal Systems International, Inc. assists private and
public sector clients in navigating the myriad environmental
and land use regulations governing state lands use (proprietary)
authorizations. Land owned by state governments are "sovereign",
held in trust for the use and benefit of the public. In
Florida, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
is responsible for administratively acquiring, administering,
and disposing of state-owned lands on behalf of the Board
of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board).
It is the responsibility of the Board and DEP to insure
maximum use and protection of state lands for the citizens
of the state. The Board and DEP are also charged with
insuring that all activities on state lands that generate
revenues or exclude traditional public uses provide just
Some form of authorization is required for nearly all
activities on state lands. Typically, application is made
jointly for proprietary and regulatory authorization under
the Joint Environmental Resource or Joint Coastal Permit
programs with the DEP or local WMD.
A proposed activity must be consistent with a number of
management policies, and not contrary to the public interest.
Requirements for marine structures are more stringent
on natural shorelines and in Aquatic Preserves or Class
II waters than along hardened shorelines or in Class III
waters. There are specific standards for the siting of
docking facilities and avoidance/minimization of impacts
to natural resources. We provide project feasibility and
strategy consulting, and expedite processing of proprietary
authorizations through our familiarity with the application
format and process. |